Emotional Breakdown Tattoo Coverups – Tattoo Cover Ups Before And After

Emotional Breakdown Tattoo Coverups – Tattoo Cover Ups Before And After

The idea of tattooing your partner’s portrait, his name or just initials, in practice it is often featured as a double-edged sword.

Because, when love ceases, nothing remains but to remove the tattoo or to modify it. Many celebrities have felt how that process can be painful.


17. This turned out perfect

reddituloganbram | imgur imgur redditu | loganbram

16. No one will ever know the truth

dentART | Remistattoo

15. Don’t know what it is, but it looks cool now


14. Interesting animal


13. What love can do to a man

dentART | hellcatmolly

12. Unknown galaxy

dentART ED-Tattoo | slodive slodive dentART | ED-Tattoo

11. It looks so real now.

dentART | Pedi

10. Cover up done perfect.

redditutweektweakx3 | imgur imgur redditu | tweektweakx3

9. This one has a little bit of bling.


8. You’d never guess what it was before.

redditu[deleted] | imgur imgur redditu | [deleted]

7. This is pure awesomeness.


6. It’s like she was never there.

New Graffiti 2012

5. It looks amazing now.

Fishing Fury

4. Finally this tattoo got the perfect makeover.

Facebook | Avery Lowe

3. Guess who?!?!

redditudesiwii | imgur imgur redditu | desiwii

2. This dog likes to party.


1. Here’s a simple one.

reddituJCarter1994 | imgur imgur redditu | JCarter1994

Collage source: deviantART / Remistattoo

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