Very often we come across different advice or tricks and tips about everyday life, however not all of them as useful. The list bellow will save you bunch of time and show you only real everyday hacks.
20. Good plan

19. Perfect for keeping it in place

18. So much better

17. Perfect for a small apartment

16. You just need more grip

15. Parchment paper is your friend

14. You’ll get the perfect sized cuts for your eating pleasure

13. Perfect use of space

12. You will never waste honey again

11. Looks nice and hip too

10. Nothing too heavy of course

9. Ideal for the young gamer in your house

8.Wrapping Cords
7. Guaranteed you’ll find a crayon before candles

6. One-way mirror = gap between reflections. Two-way mirror? No gap.

5. One drop green food coloring + three drops blue + empty Listerine = genius

4. How to expand Ketchup
3. For maximum efficiency

2. Keep them from getting smelly

1. Just make sure it’s a quality paper towel