Unbelievable May Seem Fake Photos But Are Actually Real – You Need To See These

Unbelievable May Seem Fake Photos But Are Actually Real – You Need To See These

It looks like a giant piece of paper is rolling down the hill, but it actually is an art installation in New Zealand.

via: reddit.com

Half of a Marseille hotel room has been swamped in decoration by French graffiti artist Tilt, while the other half stays purely white.

via: cargocollective.com

It looks like he walks on water, but these actually are giant salt flats in Bolivia.

via: reddit.com

This is an abstract tarp put over a building while under construction.

via: lifebuzz.com

Peculiar lenticular cloud looks like an UFO.

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This is a floating cruise hotel in South Korea.

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It may seem Photoshopped, but it is an optical illusion by Felice Varini.

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These are the side effects of an earthquake on Canterbury, New Zealand train tracks.

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Madrid-based artist Alicia Martin designed a tower of books pouring out of the window into the street.

via: lifebuzz.com

This is the very weird aftermath of a 2010 toxic waste spill in Western Hungary.

via: Palíndromo Mészáros

Could be a giant seaweed monster.

via: reddit.com

This is not the usual scary dream, it is the Crooked Forest, in West Pomerania, with over 400 bent pine trees.

via: reddit.com

It may look like a real wolf, but it actually is made out of pipe cleaners.

via: reddit.com

Not a Barbie doll. This is Valeria Lukyanova.

via: sourcesite.com

A car park in Australia has indicators made of letters which jump out of the surroundings.

via: lifebuzz.com

This boat may look like flying, but it is just its reflection in very clear water.

via: reddit.com

The grass sphere outside Paris City Hall is actually flat.

via: lifebuzz.com

This is not a black and white cartoon, it is an actual black and white Santa costume.

via: flickr.com

Apocalyptic as it may look, this sinkhole appeared in Guatemala City in 2010. It is 60 feet wide and 200 feet deep.

via: reddit.com

Fishermen row a boat in Chaohu Lake, China, surrounded by algae as if in a painting

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The trees were cut out to look surreal, in perfectly straight lines.

via: reddit.com

This giant mug of beer in the distance is actually a sand storm in Australia.

via: reddit.com
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