Dad Struggles With Triplets And A Toddler – During A Diaper Change

Dad Struggles With Triplets And A Toddler – During A Diaper Change

Being a parent is not an easy job, especially if you have two babies, or more.

As they grow, they like to go everywhere and explore everything, and what makes it difficult is when they decide to do that during a diaper change.

Dan Gibson and his partner Corrie Whyte know how difficult it is raising more than one child. They live in Cambridge, Ontario.

Here we have a video of Gibson struggling with his 4 kids: toddler, Emily, and triplets, Jackson, Olivia & Levi.

This video shows what parenting really looks like, and to be honest, it kinda makes you tired just watching it.

I don’t know where he finds the strength to change the children’s clothes, but he is an amazing dad! 🙂

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