They Were Just Minding Their Own Business When A Massive Creature Surprised Them

They Were Just Minding Their Own Business When A Massive Creature Surprised Them

Remember when a terrifyingly huge alligator was spotted on a Lakeland, Florida, golf course in May of last year?

Well, it looks like either that 15-foot beast has made another appearance or it has an equally huge relative hanging out at Polk’s Nature Discovery Center. While a group of tourists were enjoying a morning hike in the area this month, they witnessed a gigantic reptile crossing the path right in front of them.

There’s no way I would have ever stayed that close.

According to locals, the monster they call Hunchback has been around for decades.


Estimated to be between 13 and 15 feet long, this critter must have been an incredible (not to mention extremely scary) sight to witness.

Facebook / ABC Action News – WFTS – Tampa Bay

Would you have stuck around to take photos and videos like these people did? Let us know in the comments, and be sure to share this story so others can see this modern dinosaur for themselves!


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