A Real Tragedy Happened In Houston– To A Patrol Horse Named Charlotte

A Real Tragedy Happened In Houston– To A Patrol Horse Named Charlotte

Patrol horse named Charlotte was spooked and hit by a truck.

The connection between the horse and its rider, which is created overtime is something that is very difficult to describe in words. Horse riding isn’t just a sport, its partnership, cooperation.

For the last for years Charlotte was with the Houston Police Department as a patrol horse.

Traffic can be very dangerous because of the reckless drivers who sometimes don’t pay attention to the road ahead.

In this case Charlotte was surprised by a passing car and because of that she threw her rider off her back. The rider got some injures and is recovering. But things didn’t end there unfortunately. Charlotte was hit by a cement truck, her rider refused to leave her side. Charlotte died on the sidewalk while being cradled by her  rider.

Houston Police Department said: ‘Charlotte came to HPD as an unstarted two-year old Tennessee Walker from Oklahoma.

‘She thrived in HPD Mounted Patrol’s barefoot and natural horsemanship programs. She passed her evaluation period with flying colors and was working the streets of Downtown Houston within a short time of being started under saddle.

‘She loved her job and was always ready to go to work putting bad guys in jail or giving nuzzles to children. She served the citizens of Houston for four years.

‘She will be missed.’

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