Squirrels are very trusting animals, and are of the very few wild animal species which will eat out of a person’s hand.
- Squirrels tend to run in erratic paths. This is intended to deceive potential predators as to its chosen direction so that it may escape.
- Squirrels are extremely intelligent creatures. They are known to put on elaborate bogus food burying displays to deceive onlookers. The fake burials are to trick potential thieves, such as other squirrels or birds, into thinking that they have stored their food stock there. Any observers planning on taking the stash will then focus on the bogus burial site, allowing the squirrel to bury the real stash elsewhere safely.
- Squirrels communicate with each other through various vocalisations and scent marking. They also use their tails as a signalling device, twitching it when uneasy to alert other squirrels of potential danger.
- There are over 265 species of squirrel worldwide.
- When a squirrel is scared and feels that it is in danger, it will at first remain motionless. If it is on the ground, it will run to a nearby tree and climb to safety, and if it is already in a tree it will circle the trunk and press up against the bark tightly with its body.
Oh and here we have ladies and gentleman a drunk squirrel, yes,you’ve read that right, a DRUNK squirrel.
How many times can you say you’ve seen or heard that squirrels ca get drunk? I certainly had not!
This squirrel ate a few fermented crab apples, and that led to this situation: