Genius Life Hack To Create A Key Copy. Super Effective.

Genius Life Hack To Create A Key Copy. Super Effective.

This trick looks crazy but it sure helps when you have no other choice.

If you are like the rest of the world you would like to make a fast and disposable key that you can use for any situation. All you need is: some scissors, a fire (a lighter could do) and a tin can.

We all lack of time so it is difficult and time consuming to get out and make a copy of a key. You need to waste time by going around shops and checking stores, it’s just hard and a complete waste of time.

Since we can’t keep track where stuff is, it’s always great to have another one on a safe place. By having a spare one around you don’t have to worry if you loose one.

I always like to have another key hanging out somewhere, no matter if its for my apartment or my building or my bike.

You need to know that these are for one time use only and it should be used in urgent situations. This is a simple but effective solution that everyone needs to know so be sure to share it with everyone.

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