Touching Photos Of Three Girls Who Defeated Cancer: Cancer Messed With The Wrong Princesses

Touching Photos Of Three Girls Who Defeated Cancer: Cancer Messed With The Wrong Princesses

Hoping to raise awareness about children who are struggling with cancer photographer Lora Scantling in 2014 made a series of photographs showing the three girls who are suffering from cancer.

Three years later, the girls were again photographed, and the difference is obvious.

The photograph, which captured three girls faced with all the horrors of this terrible disease, has become viral. Above the picture it said “Sometimes strength comes in knowing that you are not alone!”

Lora told how her father lost his battle with lung cancer, and her friend due to the same illness lost son. That was the reason why  she was dedicated to cancer patients, she said she wanted to make something that speaks more than 1000 words and shows emotion.

“I wrote on Facebook that im seeking little girls who were fighting cancer,” she said.

Then 3-year-old Rylie, 6-year-old Rheann, and a 4-year-old Ainsley met at the photo shoot, and became instant friends.

New photo shows the 3 girls, which are now cancer-free, healthier and stronger than ever, holding a gold ribbon, which represents childhood cancer awareness.

-“Cancer is like a dragon,” said Rheann.

-“Yes, chemotherapy is a prince,” said Ainsley.

Rylie added that cancer messed with the wrong princesses.

More info: Facebook | (h/t: huffingtonpost)

Rylie added: “Cancer messed with the wrong princesses!”

Image credits: Scantling Photography

“Yeah, and chemo is the prince,” Ainsley responded

Image credits: Scantling Photography

“Cancer is like a dragon,” Rheann said

Image credits: Scantling Photography

Except now all three girls are cancer-free and healthier than ever

Image credits: Scantling Photography

The most recent photo of the girls is just as emotional as the one taken 3 years ago

Image credits: Scantling Photography

Rylie (3), Rheann (6) and Ainsley (4) didn’t know each other until the photo shoot, yet they became instant friends

Image credits: Scantling Photography

“I put a post out on Facebook seeking little girls who were fighting cancer, and the portrait was born!”

Image credits: Scantling Photography

Scantling’s father was losing his fight to lung cancer, so she wanted to do something “that spoke a thousand words that would draw emotion”

Image credits: Scantling Photography

Now, 3 years later, the girls have reunited for a new photo, and they’re stronger and healthier than ever

Image credits: Scantling Photography
Image credits: Scantling Photography
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