There’s A New Kind Of Yoga That’s Just To Adorable – Yoga With Goats

There’s A New Kind Of Yoga That’s Just To Adorable – Yoga With Goats

“Goat Yoga” (yoga with goats) which they say is so relaxing that it has no competition. There seems to be so many variations related to yoga that we are not even aware of what’s going on.

Goat yoga is going viral on social media, and it’s a hot new thing right now! Apparently, people find it interesting to have little goats running around and jumping on their backs while doing yoga, no, it doesn’t seem distracting at all, if you ask me!

But, I can’t really say if that’s a good thing or not before trying it out, it does seem fun, for the goats at least.

Pygmy Goats are so cute, almost irresistible, but it’s kind of hard when all you want to do is play with them and pet them, and you have to practice yoga instead. Maybe that’s the point, not to let any distractions get in the way of your concentration, even tho that distraction is adorable.

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