The Cat Misses The Dog After Being Apart From Him – Has An Amazing Reaction After Being Reunited

The Cat Misses The Dog After Being Apart From Him – Has An Amazing Reaction After Being Reunited

It’s always tough when you don’t get to see your best friend and if you are apart for 10 days.

Like this cat for instance! The cat name is Jasper and he has missed his best friend after being apart from him for 10 days.

The dog’s name is Bow-Z, and he didn’t seem to show the same excitement as Jasper here. Especially when he was receiving so many hugs, well its understanding when you just got home and you have a cat dangling from your neck and you can’t breathe and all you want is to is relax for a bit, but the cat is making it impossible and won’t let go and is following you everywhere! 🙂

But they make the cutest best friends and I love every reaction they made, Jasper’s reaction the most!

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