560 PeopleFather Plays A Peak-A-Boo With His Son – Then Reveals His Clean-Shaven Face Playing peek-a-boo is a great way to entertain your babies – and they usually end up having a blast, laughing and enjoying, and it’s great... By Michael Holmby 8 years ago8 years ago
1960 AnimalsThis 800lb Lion Freaked Out Over A Little Bubble – Scaredy Cat When you hear the word lion the first thing that crosses your mind is predator, a majestic fierce predator! At the Paradise Wildlife Park in... By Michael Holmby 8 years ago8 years ago
1181 AnimalsA Kitten Met A Turtle For The First Time – It Had A Hilarious Reaction Introducing your pets to the new pets can be a process. It takes time for them to get familiar with each other, and to get... By Michael Holmby 8 years ago8 years ago
1061 CatsOwners Decided To Do A Little Experiment With A Robot Cat – Cats Reactions To Robot Cat What to say about cats when there is almost nothing that they can do that might come as a surprise to us. But nonetheless we... By Michael Holmby 8 years ago8 years ago
4191 DogsThis Doggo Hates It When His Owner Does This – Dog’s Reaction To Being Flipped Off This dog knows when his owner is being rude, and he doesn’t like it, not even a bit! Maybe in his own way this doggo... By Michael Holmby 8 years ago8 years ago