Pinto The Horse That Plays Possum – And It’s Absolutely Hilarious

Pinto The Horse That Plays Possum – And It’s Absolutely Hilarious

I don’t know if you guys have seen this already, but it is too good not to be shared again.

It’s about a horse named Pinto whose hobby is apparently playing dead! Yes you’ve read that right, a horse that likes to play dead.

I find it hilarious, every time Pinto’s owner starts talking to him, its like every day the same story, and she’s kinda sick of his crap.

One time Electrical contractors called her and this was the conversation she had with them:

  •  Maam you’ve got a dead horse here in your pasture.
  • No I don’t he plays dead all the time. Is his leg sticking straight up in the air?
  • Yes ma’am. I’m telling you he’s dead. The leg sticking up is because rigor mortis has set in maam, I know horses, I own a few.
  • Sir, my horse ain’t dead. He plays possum. But, I’m coming ? give me a minute please.

And the all time favorite line is:  You embarrass me for the neighbors .

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