Improving Personal Hygiene for Better Dating

Improving Personal Hygiene for Better Dating

Senses, Scents, and Attraction

Studies show that people innately refer to their senses when it comes to choosing a partner. Majority of the time, people utilize their visual and olfactory senses. Knowing this fact, how can you improve yourself to appeal to others’ senses? The answer is simple: personal hygiene.

This article aims to help you on how to better your love life by improving your personal hygiene. It will cover the different factors of good hygiene, useful tips, and its benefits.

Good Hygiene and its Benefits

Most dates often go awry because one person gets turned off by the other. In order to impress your date, you shouldn’t only be good with manners but also with your hygiene.

Good hygiene is pertains to habits that promote the body’s overall health and wellness. Aside from a healthy body, it also has other benefits:

  • Prevents Diseases

E.G., People come into contact with infected surfaces often, especially when around public places when out dating. If you have poor hygiene, you allow bacteria to multiply, which could lead to illnesses.

The risks that are found when there is bad hygiene are numerous and some even very dangerous. So not only are there health issues, but consequences that can ruin a social evening. This is why the rules that people dating must follow should be consistent and rigid.

  • More Likely to Be Accepted

Good hygiene has become a social norm that people should follow, but not necessarily a strict rule. With better hygiene, people are more likely to associate with you. Individuals who have improved their hygiene claim that they become less prone to being targets to bullies, and have better chances of landing a decent job. This is why it is important for parents to teach their kids healthy habits at a young age.

  • Boosts Positive Emotions

Anxiety, discomfort, and irritability are common when it comes to having bad hygiene. When you practice hygienic routines, you become more confident, which allows you to perform at your best.

Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder

Upon first glance, you can usually tell how “hygienic” an individual is. Some visual clues include facial hair, hair styles, and clothes. Aside from a generally small audience, people prefer it when people look clean. 

However, a person’s definition of clean can vary. For example: some may think facial hair makes a person look unkempt, while others don’t mind it at all.

  • Showering Frequently

According to Sunrise Speciality, showering on a daily basis helps a person have bright eyes, supple skin, and healthy hair. When you don’t take a shower, you increase the amount of dead skin cells and oil left in your scalp. This could lead to dandruff or odor. The general rule of thumb is to wash your hair at least twice a week.

  • Choice of Clothes

A person’s choice of fashion reflects on their character. No matter which style or fashion trend you are into, it is important to look decent. This includes avoiding any unwanted stains, holes, and wrinkles in the fabrics of your clothes.

Signature Smell

On the other hand, you can also get an idea on a person’s hygiene by the way they smell. Most people don’t really care what you smell like, as long as it is bearable. Smelling good is a known way to increase another person’s sexual attraction towards you.

Many people like to have a signature scent, which allows others to remember them every time they come across something familiar. Finding a scent that you are comfortable with can also help increase your confidence when speaking with potential partners.

Tooth Be Told

Lastly, your smile plays a big factor on first impressions. Any flaws, such as rotten teeth, can be a sign of poor dental hygiene. You should schedule regular visits to the dentist to maintain a beautiful smile.

People shouldn’t only watch the words that come out of their mouths, but also the smell. Bad breath is usually caused by food or plaque. Therefore, you should brush your teeth at least twice a day. Make sure to floss as well since it removes 40% of the plaque that your toothbrush isn’t able to remove.


Because dating involves getting to know a person to hopefully have a relationship with them, it is important to set a good first impression. Good hygiene can help you with that. Displaying cleanliness shows professionalism and responsibility, making you a decent pick from the bunch.

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