Adorable Kitten Maru Trying On Wigs – Maru And The Box

Adorable Kitten Maru Trying On Wigs – Maru And The Box

Recently this video has more and more views and some people find it cute and hilarious.

Yes, it is about a cat!

Kitten Maru became famous for something he loves to do, diving into the boxes. And that box has a hole in it and a wig attached to it or drawn. So it appears as if Maru the kitten tries out a various wigs of different colors.

Believe it or not, Maru even broke the Guinness World Record for Youtube video views of an individual animal, garnering more than 325million views! Isn’t that rather impressive??

Maru is considered to be the most famous cat on the internet. I can understand that, he looks absolutely adorable! 🙂


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