A Woman Decided to Do Something Very Sweet for Her Neighbor’s Dog – A Peeking Penny

A Woman Decided to Do Something Very Sweet for Her Neighbor’s Dog – A Peeking Penny

A woman named Jennifer Bowman did something very special that will melt your heart.

Penny, her neighbor’s dog was jumping up over their tall wooden fence in order to say ‘hi’ to the Bowman and her dog.

Got tired of the neighbor’s German shepherd jumping to peek over the fence so I made her a peeking spot,” Bowman wrote online. “I think she likes it.”

So Bowman decided to do something she thought would be the best. She took a power drill and created three holes – one for Penny’s nose and two for her eyes.

So now Penny can have a  better view of the Bowman’s garden without having to jump all the time, Penny can also see the lady’s dog whenever she wants now.

This is the perfect example of how to make a dog happy! 🙂


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