A Stranger Approached A Mother And Her Baby And Then He Tried To Grab The Baby – It Was All Caught On A Video Camera

A Stranger Approached A Mother And Her Baby And Then He Tried To Grab The Baby – It Was All Caught On A Video Camera

There is nothing more terrifying for a parent than what you’re about to see!

In a supermarket at Houston Texas, one man approached a woman and her baby who was in a shopping cart.

He started talking to the baby he even tried to kidnap the baby out of the shopping cart while the mother was looking away for a few seconds.

Florence Monauer was looking at the seasonings for a brief moment, she heard a man talking to her 15-month-old daughter, she said that she thought nothing of it, but then she saw him picking up her child, the baby started crying when her leg became snagged on the cart. He couldn’t get her out.

He even said; ‘Ohh I tried to take you while your mother wasn’t looking’.

She called the police immediately.

She couldn’t believe that something like that could ever happen, that a man would try to take her baby while she was there.


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