A Goat That Only Has Two Legs – Read More About This Inspirational Story

A Goat That Only Has Two Legs – Read More About This Inspirational Story

Before we get straight to the video and what it is about let me tell you a few things about goats that you didn’t know.

In general, goats are curious, kind, gentle, intelligent and very social. When they are alone they can get bored and be lonely, so if you plan on having them you should always get two goats. They cuddle, sleep, and eat together.

Each goat has her own distinct personality and some personality traits seem to be more common in one breed than in another.

They will nibble on everything, that including your hair.

Did I mention that they are smart, cause let me tell you they are smarter than a dog, so if they see you open a feed latch or a gate latch, trust me you will regret it, because they will practice it behind your back.

This video was posted by Mr. Hou, who visited the farm on business. It’s about a two-legged goat.

While being birthed, the baby goat had damaged hind limbs. The farmer tried his best to save them, but unfortunately, goat had to lose the limbs for good.

It does sound tragic, but this baby goat found a way to utilize his front legs and walk!

The story about this goat is truly inspirational!

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